Recently someone asked if stallion performance tests really matter. I believe they matter early in a stallion's career but over time their importance declines to irrelevance.
This is how I think about it. Five categories, 15 stars to allocate among the 5 criteria:
Stallions 5 years of age and under: Importance of his damline: ***** Importance of his sireline: ***** Importance of his 70/100 day test: ** Importance of his results in open competition: *** Importance of results of his progeny in open competition: - (If no performance test was done and the stallion was approved on the basis of his performance in open competition -- the preferred method, in my opinion -- then the criterion "Importance of his results in open competition" is given a weight of *****.)
Stallions 6 - 9 Importance of his damline: ***** Importance of his sireline: *** Importance of his 70/100 day test: - Importance of his results in open competition: **** Importance of results of his progeny in open competition: ***
Stallions 10 - 14 Importance of his damline: **** Importance of his sireline: *** Importance of his 70/100 day test: - Importance of his results in open competition: *** Importance of results of his progeny in open competition: *****
Stallions 15 and over Importance of his damline: *** Importance of his sireline: ** Importance of his 70/100 day test: - Importance of his results in open competition: - Importance of results of his progeny in open competition: **********